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  • CCConcierge

The Digital Contact Center

Updated: Nov 16, 2021

The new cloud-based technology offered by companies like Avaya, Salesforce, Five9, and Freshworks have permitted call centers to evolve into the modern digital contact center.

Computer Dashboard with Tech symbols

CRMS & Desktops

The new robust and multi-featured integrated CRMs & desktops allow customers to interact with agents through voice, text, chat, and email. Management & clients are able to review interactions between agents & customers. Voice analytics helps with quality control, compliance, and performance matters. Voice calls can be transcribed instantly and be available for review by coaches and team leaders to assist in customer service.

Today's contact centers have vivid integrated dashboards with live data that show all the key metrics like call volume and handle time. Workforce management is able to adjust the number of agents real-time by simultaneously notifying all agents of schedule changes due to a shift in call volume. These technology advances have allowed for better, faster, and more friendly customer service 24/7. This improved production efficiency allows centers to handle more work with less agents.


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